Tag Archive for: #bkusaw

WOD 8/17/15

8 Minutes of Hip/Back/Ankle/Wrist/Shoulder Mobility A- WU- 250M Row @ 70-90% RPE; 1 Minutes Rest + 3 Rounds of: 250M Row @ 100%; 1 Minute Rest Between Rounds + NFT- 20 Each Clean Pull (45/35 or 15/PVC)/Muscle Clean (pos 3)/Hang Clean (pos…

WOD 6/4/15

8 Minutes of Back/Shoulder/Hip Mobility A- WU- 3 RNFT of: 10 Each Walking Lunge/Walkout Push Up/K2E/Banded Pull Apart B- 8 Minutes TO WU- DeadLift (225/135)/Pull Up/Run + For Time: 18 DeadLift/18 Strict Pull Up/400M Run; 2 Minutes Rest…