Tag Archive for: coach iz wod

WOD 2/5/14

8 Minutes of Hip/Lumbar/Ankle/Shoulder Mobility A- WU- 3 Rounds of: 200M Run;90 Seconds Rest Between Rounds B- 90 Seconds additional ankle mobility + Tabata- Box Jumps (24/20") (step down is recommended) C- Power Clean- 10 Minutes To…

WOD 2/1/14

8 Minutes of Hip/Lumbar/Thoracic Mobility A- WU- 10 Minutes Max Calorie Partner Row Notes: In Teams of 2 with only 1 Partner Working at a time/Partners will row 20 calories as fast as possible/switch partners every 20 calories/accumulate…

WOD 11/28/13

8 Minutes of Calf/Ankle/Shoulder/Wrist/OH/Thoracic Mobility A- WU- 10 Rounds of: 30/30 Jingle Jangles B- 5 Rounds of: 3 Hang Power Snatch + 3 Each OverHead Lunge (HBD)   -15 Minute Cap C- Death By: Jerk - 3 Minutes WU to (135/95)…