Tag Archive for: crown heights

WOD 7/8/14

8 Minutes of Hip/Lumbar/Ankle/Knee Mobility A- WU- 4 Minute AMRAP of: 10-25 Continuous Double Unders/10 Ball Slam (20/15#) B- 5-8 Minutes WU HPC/Front Squat + EMOM For 12 Minutes: On the Even Minute- 5 HPC (135/95)/On the Odd Minute- 5…

WOD 5/23/13

5 Minutes of: Hip/Back/Rack Mobility A- WU- For Time Ascending Ladder of: 5-25 each in 5 Rep increments- Sit Up/Burpee/Double Unders B- Front Squat- 18 Minutes To A 3 Rep Max; 2-3 Minutes Rest Between Efforts C- 15/12/9 RFT of: Box…