Tag Archive for: push press- 3×3

WOD 2/28/12

For Time: 400M Run/100 Jump Lunge/400M Run Box Squat- 3/3/3 (65/75/80%1Rm) Push Press- 3/3/3 (Max Effort) Upcoming Event We are setting up Rock Climbing at Brooklyn Boulders on April 14, we need a head count ASAP and the money for a deposit…

WOD 12/27/11

800M M.B. Run (12/20) Press- 1/1/1/1/1 (Max Effort) Push Press- 3/3/3 (Max Effort) 15 min AMRAP of: 5 Push Press (65/95)/5 Strict Pull Up/25 Double Unders

WOD 12/10/11

9 min AMRAP of: 200m Run/25 Double Unders/250m Row Press- 3/3/3/3/3 @ 65% 1RM Push Press- 3/3/3 @ 75% 1RM Jerk- 1/1/1 @ 85% 1RM Hollow Rock- 10/10/10/10 NFT GHD Ham Curl- 10/10/10/10 NFT

WOD 12/7/11

5 min of PVC Shoulder Mobility 6 min amrap of: 3 Wall Walk/3 Inverted Burpees/3 rolling Pistols each leg Press- 3/3/3 Max Effort Push Press- 3/3/3 Max Effort Skin The Cat- 5/5/5/5 Hip Extension- 15/15/15

WOD 10/28/11

400M Run @ 85% Intensity PVC- Dislocate/Shoulder Mobility- 5 minutes Tabata- Wall Ball Press- 3/3/3/3/3 @ 70% 1RM Push Press- 3/3/3 @ 80% 1RM Thruster- 1/1/1 @ 90% 1RM HandStand Hold- 3 rounds 1 minute each