Tag Archive for: smart

WOD 8/24/15

8 Minutes of Hip/Back/Ankle Mobility A- WU- 2 Rounds of: 10 Calorie Row/10 Each Clean DeadLift (45/35/15/PVC)/Clean High Pull/Front Squat/High Hang Clean (pos 1, full squat) B- 3 Position Clean (2 @ each pos/Pos 1,2,3 in that order)- 1@50/60/70/75/70%…

WOD 4/8/15

8 Minutes of Shoulder/Hip/Back/Wrist/Ankle Mobility A- WU- 200M Run + 3 RNFT of: 5 WallBall (20/14- Max Height)/3 Strict Pull Up/1 WallWalk or 200M Run + 3 RNFT of: 5 WallBall (16/12#- Max Height)/5 Ring Row/3 Inch Worm B- Power Jerk-…

WOD 2/21/14

8 Minutes of Shoulder/Hip/Back/Ankle Mobility A- WU- 6 Minute AMRAP of: Max Continuous Double Unders/10 UB WallBall (20/14-10') B- Power Clean + Jerk- 10 Minutes To A Heavy Single C- Tambot= For Time: 10 Power Clean + Jerk (135/95)/5…