Program Notes: July 2018
from Coach Iz
I’m personally very excited for the month of July, as we will be focusing on completing the current 8-week absolute strength cycle and transitioning into a 5-week Open-style cycle.
The 5-week Open-style cycle is intended to be a mid-season assessment. It will give you an idea of where you currently sit, what you have improved upon, and what still needs some work before the 2019 Open. It will commence with a back-off/transition week from 7/15 to 7/22. During this week you should notice that the WODs are less intense, which will allow for a little rest and recovery before the next cycle kicks into full swing.
From 7/23 to 8/26, the programing will focus on training and testing that is similar to the Open. Here’s an example of a typical week:
Day 1: Max lower body work, lower body gymnastics, and 3-9 minutes of aerobic work.
Day 2: Dynamic upper body work, upper body gymnastics, and some short sprints.
Day 3: An Open, Hero, or Girl WOD.
Day 4: Dynamic lower body strength, more lower body gymnastics, and 15-minute aerobic pieces.
Day 5: Max upper body work, more upper body gymnastics, and more Open-style WODs.
Day 6: Partner WODs and longer aerobic pieces.
Day 7: Short sprints and Open, Girl, Hero-style WODs.
Barbell exercise selection for this period will consist of overhead squats, snatches, bench presses, weighted pull-up, sumo deadlifts, power cleans, power snatches, jerks, presses and weighted dips. Although there will be a lesser emphasis on absolute strength, we will not neglect it all together. We will run a simple 6-week linear strength progression from 7/23 to 9/02.
As if all of the above were not enough, we will also be completing the kipping gymnastics progression beginning the week of 7/09. The week of 7/16 we will be transitioning into strict ring muscle-ups, kipping chest-to-bar pull-ups, and both strict and kipping deficit handstand push-up variations.
To recap, we have a big shift in training emphasis for the next few weeks. The goal will be to complete the current strength and gymnastics cycles and transition into an Open-style training and testing cycle.
I hope this post helps answer some of your questions regarding what we as a group are working on, how we intend to work on it, and exactly what to expect.
Please email me with any feedback/questions/concerns at:
Thanks, and happy gainz.
P.S. As always, please continue to check-in and post videos/photos to social media using the hashtag #cf718strong to let everyone know how you represent!