Tag Archive for: Flight Simulator WOD @ CF718

WOD 7/17/14

8 Minutes of Hip/Ankle/Calves/Back/Shoulder Mobility A- WU- 1 Mile Run @80-100% RPE; 3-5 Minutes rest immediately after B- Flight Simulator= For time: 5 unbroken Double Unders/10 unbroken double unders/15 unbroken double unders/20 unbroken…

WOD 12/6/13

7 Minutes of Back/Hip/Leg Mobiliity A- WU- 3 Rounds of 30 Seconds Each: Burpees/Mountain Climber/Flutter Kick B- Dead Lift- 1@100% of Desired 1RM   -20 Minute Cap C- Flight Simulator= Unbroken RFT of: Double Unders- 5/10/15/20/25/30/35/40/45/50/45/40/35/30/25/20/15/10/5…

WOD 5/25/13

6 Minutes of: Ankle/Rack/Hip/Shoulder/Back Mobility A- WU- For Time: 400M Partner Waiters Walk (200M each/only 1 partner works at a time/45/25)  + 3 Minutes of: HandStand Walk Practice (partners will assist each other) B- 1 Hang Clean…