Warm Up:
For Quality Against a 5 Minute clock:
5 Each Alternating Single Leg RDL/
10 Ring Rows/
10 Each High Knees in Place/
5 Each Alternating OH Lunge
@ Easy pace with smooth controlled tempos; Rest as needed
B1: Metcon (2 Rounds for time)
100M Run;
60 Seconds Rest/
200M Run;
2 Minutes Rest
60 Seconds Rest/
200M Run;
2 Minutes Rest
Strict Pull Up Practice/Review=
3-5 Sets of:
3-5 UB Reps
3-5 UB Reps
Progress from very heavily assisted gradually to unassisted (if possible), choose a version that is challenging but allows you to complete approximately 5 Reps each round.
– 6 Minute Time Cap
21 Minute AMRAP of:
400M/200M/100M Run/
Max Unbroken Strict Pull Ups