WOD 08/28/17
A2: Row 90 Seconds (Distance)
@ Pace/Intensity/Distance
@80-90% Sustainable Pace; Rest 90 Seconds
A3: 40 Seconds Row (Distance)
@90% Hard Pace; Rest 2-3 Minutes Before B.
Damper 5/3
Try to use same Rower as 08/12/17.
B1: Clean and Jerk (10 Minutes To A Heavy Triple)
5 Minutes To WU + 10 Minutes To A Hevy Triple without press outs or misses.
B2: Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
40 Seconds Max Reps Power Clean + Power Jerk @50% of B1.
@90% Hard Pace (Not Sustainable)
C: Front Squat (1 EMOM Building)
5 Minutes TO WU + 1 EMOM X 10 Minutes Building up heavy with no misses @21X1
Compare To 06/26/17.
D: Air Bike (Calories)
90 Seconds @50-90% Sustianable Pace; Rest 90 Seconds
D2: 40 Seconds Air Bike (Calories)
1 Round only @Intensity/Pace
@90% Hard Pace (Not Sustainable)