WOD 09/02/17
A: Air Bike (Calories)
5 Minutes @50% Sustainable Pace; Rest 3 Minutes
B: Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)
3 Rounds of:
Against A 5 Minute Clock:
400M Run + Max Rounds in time remaining of:
5 Box Jump Over (30/24″)/
10 T2B/
15 Wall Ball (20#-10’/14#-9′)
@80-95% Sustainable Pace (build intensity slightly each round); Rest 3 Minutes Between Rounds
400M Run= 1 Rep
As an example, lets say that you completed 4 rounds of the triplet + One 400M Run= A Total score of 5 for that 5 Minute interval); Rest 3 Minutes and repeat X 3
C: Partner 1K Row (Time)
-5 min cap
@50% Sustainable Pace; Rest 3 Minutes
Damper 5/3
D: Metcon (2 Rounds for reps)
2 Rounds of-
5 Minute AMRAP:
21 Double Unders/
15 USSR K.B. Swing (20/12Kg)/
9 Chin Up
Complete One 5 Minute AMRAP of:
21 Double Unders/
15 USSR K.B. Swing (20/12Kg)/
9 Chin Up @80% Sustainable Pace; Rest 5 Minutes
Complete One 5 Minute AMRAP of:
21 Double Unders/
15 USSR K.B. Swing (20/12Kg)/
9 Chin Up @90% Sustainable Pace
You should enter 2 scores, one for each 5 Minute AMRAP. Enter total reps for each round.