WOD 10/31/19
A2: 2K Partner Row (Time)
B: 10-15 Minutes of Skill Work-
Kipping: RMU/BMU
Triple Unders/Pistols
Kipping: RMU/BMU
Triple Unders/Pistols
C: Walking Dead
For Time:
20 WallWalks
200M Partner Carry (200M S.B. Carry/HBD)
200 Double Unders (400 Singles)
60 WallBall (20#-10’/14#-9′ or 20/14#-Max Height)
60 Burpees
20 WallWalks
200M Partner Carry (200M S.B. Carry/HBD)
200 Double Unders (400 Singles)
60 WallBall (20#-10’/14#-9′ or 20/14#-Max Height)
60 Burpees
Notes: In Teams of 2/only 1 partner working at a time/partition movements as needed/@ 80-90% Hard But Sustainable Pace/Score= Total time