WOD 10/03/17
A2: 2 RFQ of:
5 Clean Pull/
5 Muscle Clean/
5 Thruster/
5 Calorie Row (8/5)
A3: Against a 3 Minute Clock:
30 WallBall (20#-10’/14#-9′)/
Max Rounds of: 5 Calorie Row/5 Burpees In Time Remaining
B: 2 Power Clean + 1 Hang Clean (BTK) (1 @60% EMOM X 9)
5-6 Minutes WU To 60% of 3 Position Clean from 09/26/17 + 1 @60% EMOM X 9
C: Against A 3 Minute Clock:
30/20 Calorie Bike/
Max Rounds of:
3 Thruster (95/65)/
60M Run
3 Minutes WU + @80-90% Hard But Sustainable Pace; Rest 3 Minutes
D:3 RFT of:
100M Row (5/3)/
12/10 UB WallBall (20/14#-10′)
2 Minutes WU +
@90% Hardest Sustainable Pace; Rest 3 Minutes
The key to this one will be fast transitions. Try to be as efficient as possible switching from one movement to the next.
D: 3 RFT of:
10/8 Calorie Air Bike/
8 Burpees
2 Minutes WU +
@90% Hardest Sustainable Pace