WOD 10/21/17
CrossFit 718 – A – CrossFit WOD
A: 2K Partner Row (Time)
Damper 5/3
5 Minutes WU + In Teams of 2/Switch every 200M/@90% Hardest Sustainable Pace; Rest 3-5 Minutes
B: Tom Hanks Memorial WOD (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Partner WOD 10/21/17=
15 Minute AMRAP of:
55 Deadlift (225/135)/
55 WallBall (20#-10’/14#-9′)/
55 Calorie Row (8/5)/
55 Pull Ups
8 Minutes WU + @80% Sustainable Pace/
In teams of 2/Only 1 partner working at a time/Partition as needed/Score= total # or rounds and reps completed by the team.
C: 10 Minute Assault Bike (Calories)
90 Seconds Light Bike To Practice; Rest as needed.
+ 10 Minute Max Calories
Use same bike every time. Go at highest pace you can possibly hold for the entire 10 minutes.
In teams of 2/Only 1 partner working at a time/Partition as needed/Score= total # of calories per team.