Tag Archive for: #cp

WOD 08/26/16

8 Minutes of Shoulder/Hip/Wrist (Click links for details) A- WU- NFT- 200M Run @50-90% RPE + 20 Squat Clean + Thruster (45/35/15/PVC) B- Power Clean + Power Jerk- Build To A Heavy Triple   -18 Minute Cap C- Reebok CrossFit Open…

WOD 08/21/16

8 Minutes of Shoulder/Hip Mobility (Click links for details) A1- WU- 4 Rounds of 60 Seconds Max Distance Row (Damper: 4/2) or Air Bike @ 80-90% Hard But Sustainable Pace; 60 Seconds Rest Between Rounds A2- NFT- 5 Each PVC Pass Through…

WOD 08/19/16

8 Minutes of Hip/Shoulder/Forearm Mobility (Click links for details) A- WU- 400M M.B. Run (20/14# or HBD) @80-90% Sustainable Pace 20 Squat Clean WallBall (20#-10'/14#-9') B- Clean & Jerk- 1/1/1/1/1@90% of 07/29/16; 1:20-1:80 Seconds…

WOD 08/12/16

8 Minutes of Hip/Shoulder/Forearm Mobility (Click links for details) A1- WU- 200M M.B. Run (20/14# or HBD) @80-90% Sustainable Pace A2- 2 RNFT- 10 T2B or Hanging Knee Raises 5 Each Jump Lunge 30 Seconds Max Reps D.B. Push Press (45/25X2…

WOD 08/02/16

8 Minutes Hip/Back Mobility (Click links for details) A1- WU- 750M Row (Damper 4/2) @70-90% Hard But Sustainable Pace A2- 2RNFT of: 5 BroadJump Max Distance 5 Squat Jump Max Height 10 K2E or Hanging Knee Raises + 30 Banded Glute Bridge…

WOD 07/15/16

8 Minutes of Shoulder/Hip/Wrist Mobility (Click links for details) A1- WU- 200M Run @50% A2- 2 Minute AMRAP @75% RPE of: 1 WallWalk/5 WallBall (20/14#-Max Height)/3 Broad Jumps B1- 3 Power Clean + 2 Power Jerk- @60/65/70/75/80%; 60 Seconds…

WOD 07/08/16

8 Minutes of Shoulder/Hip Mobility (Click links for details) A1- WU- NFT- 30-50 Banded Pull Apart/30-50 Banded Glute Bridge A2- 3 RNFT of: 1 WallWalk/10 Jumping BallSlam (20/15#)/15 Cal Bike B- 3 Power Clean + 2 Jerk- Build up heavy but…

WOD 07/04/16

8 Minutes of: Hip/Back/Shoulder Mobility (Click links for details) A1- WU- Row 90 Seconds @50% 1K Pace from 06/06/16 + A2- 2 Rounds of: 500M Row @1k T.T. Pace; 2 Minutes Rest Between Rounds B1- Power Clean- 5/5/5 (Hold Each Clean In…

WOD 07/01/16

8 Minutes of Shoulder/Hip Mobility (Click links for details) A- WU- 200M Run @50-70% RPE 90 Seconds Bike Distance 1 Minute Max Reps Banded Pull Apart 30 USSR K.B. Swing (HBD) 20 HRPU AFAP B- Power Clean + Power Jerk- 6 Minutes To…

WOD 06/26/16

8 Minutes of T-Spine/Shoulder/Hip Mobility (Click links for details) A- WU- NFT- 200M Run + 20 Squat Clean WallBall (20/14#-Max Height) B- Power Clean + Power Jerk- 10 Minutes To A Challenging Single + 3 Building From 60% EMOM For 10…

WOD 06/12/16

8 Minutes of Shoulder/Hip/Thoracic Mobility (Click links for details) A- WU- 3 RNFT of: 30 Seconds Max Reps Double Unders (Practice) 1 Three Position Snatch (45/35/15/PVC) 5 Each Alternating OH Lunge B- 1 Hang Snatch (BTK) + 1 Hang…