WOD 04/04/2022
2 RFQ of:
:40 Seconds Air Bike/
5-10 Ring Face Pull/
15 Banded Pull Apart/
10 Banded OHS
2 Rounds of:
9 Plate Sit Ups (HBD)/
6 Plate G2OH/
3 Broad Jump/
:10 Seconds Air Bike Sprint
3 Minutes WU + 2 Rounds @85% Somewhat Hard Pace; Rest 90 Seconds after each round
B: Power Snatch (2 @70 EMOM X 12 Minutes)
Keep the weights moderately light and focus on your technique.
C: Back Squat (15 Minutes To A Challenging Set of 8 Reps)
15 Minutes Build to a heavy set of 8 reps @21X1; Rest as needed
RX’d and Level 1=
18/15/12 RFT of:
Jump Lunge
18/15/12 RFT of:
Jump Lunge
Bike Cals
Wall Ball