Warm Up:
A2: Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)
3 RFQ of:
:40 Seconds Air Bike/
10 Paces Each Direction Lateral Banded Monster Walk/
10 Each Leg Single Leg Glute Bridge
5 Each Turkish Sit Up (HAP)
@70-90% Sustainable Pace; Rest as needed
Turkish Get Up (1/1/1/1/1/1/1 Building)
8 Minutes WU @22X1
7 Sets of 1 Rep Each Building intensity @ tempo; Rest as needed
7 Sets of 1 Rep Each Building intensity @ tempo; Rest as needed
If you hit a max before 7 Reps, back down 15% of max and complete any remaining sets at approximately 85% of max
For Quality=
40 GHD Hip Extension @20X2/
20 Each Alternating Floor Wipers @2121/
40 GHD Hip Extension/
20 Each Alternating Floor Wipers
@ Easy pace with smooth controlled tempos; Rest as needed
Accumulate 2 Minutes of: Press Up Hold