Warm Up:
Little Helen
For Time:
500M Row (5/3)/
30 Thruster (45/35/15/PVC#)/
30 Ring Row
@90% Hardest Sustainable Pace; Rest 3-4 Minutes
B: Turkish Get Up (10 Minutes To A Heavy Single)
10 Minutes To build to a challenging single on each side @2121.
Partner WOD 04/24/22=
6 RFT of:
6 RFT of:
400M Run
12 Strict Pull Ups
21 WallBall (20#-10’/14#-9′)
In teams of 2/While partner A Runs 400M, Partner B will complete 1 Round of couplet/When Partner A has returned they will switch/Continue until both have completed 3 rounds each/Score=total to complete all rounds.
6 Minute EMOM of: 10 Each Russian Twist