WOD 04/08/17
A: Partner WU – For Time:
50 Calorie Bike
10 WallWalk
50 BallSlam
50 USSR K.B. Swing
50 Calorie Row
In teams of 2/ only 1 partner working at a time/ partition as needed/ scale as needed/ score= total time complete all reps. Only 1 each per team: Bike,Slam Ball, K.B. and Rower.
B: 10 Rounds of:
3-7 HSPU
5 Each Box Jump Over (30/24″)
; Rest 60 Seconds Between Rounds
C: 10 X 200M Relay/Max Reps Burpees
In teams of 2/With both partners working at the same time/@85% Somewhat Hard Pace/While parter a runs 200m, partner b will accumulate burpees. When partner a returns they will switch places x 5 rounds each. Score= total # of burpees completed.