WOD 04/21/17
A2: 3 RFQ of:
10 PVC Pass Through
15 Banded Pull Apart
5 PVC Snatch Balance
A3: 5 Minute AMRAP of:
250M Row (4/2)
5 Power Snatch (45/35#)
5 Jumping Squat
5 HSPU Negative @3 seconds down
C: Power Snatch (50-90%)
5 Minutes To WU to 50% of heavy single from 04/14/17 + 5@50; 60 Seconds Rest/4@60; 60 Seconds Rest/3@70; 90 Seconds Rest/2@80; 90 Seconds Rest/1@90%.
D: Weighted Dip – 5 @50% EMOM X 10 Minutes
% of Heavy set of 10 from 04/14/17
E: 4 RFT of:
9 Thruster (95/65)
15/12 Row Calorie (8/5)