WOD 05/10/17
A2: For Quality:
30 Banded Pull Apart
30 Seated Banded Row
30 Banded Push Down
A3: 6 Minute AMRAP of:
2 WallWalk
3 HSPU Negative @3 Seconds Down
150M Row (5/3)
15 Anchored Ab Mat Sit Ups
B: Weighted Dip – 12 Minutes To A Heavy Set of 10
Max or sets accross
12 Mintues to build up to a heavy set of 10 reps @20X1; Rest as needed between sets.
C: Shoulder Press – 5@70% + 5/5@80% + 5/5/5@90%
Base % off of Training Max= 1Rm X .85% of most recent 1Rm From 07/27/17. Take TM and multiply by corresponding %. @20X1; Rest 90-180 Seconds Between Sets
D: 5 Rounds of:
30 Double Unders; 30 Seconds Rest
1 Rope Climb 20/15′; 60 Seconds Rest
5-10 HSPU; 60 Seconds Rest