WOD 05/13/17
A: Partner WOD 1
5 Minute AMRAP of:
12 Box Jump (24/20″)
35 Double Unders
In teams of 2/partners will alternate movements/partner A will complete 12 BJ, then partner B will complete 12 BJ/ Then partner A will complete 35 DU’s, followed by partner B. Continue in this fashion for 5 minutes accumulating max rounds and reps/Score= total rounds + reps completed in 5 minutes.
B: Partner WOD 2
10 Minute ARMAP of:
8 Each Alternating D.B. Snatch (50/35#)
8 Ring Row
8 Burpee
In teams of 2/Partners will alternate movements (same as A)/Score= Total Rounds and Reps completed in 10 minutes.
C: Partner WOD 3
15 Minute AMRAP of:
10/8 Calorie Air Bike
7 T2B
7 D.B. Thruster (45/24#X2)
In teams of 2/only 1 partner working at a time/Partners will alternate movements/Score= Total rounds and reps completed in 15 minutes.