WOD 05/14/17
A1: Air Bike – 90 Seconds
A2: 3 Rounds of:
30 Seconds Air Bike Sprint Calories @90% Hard Pace
3 Rounds of:
30 Seconds Air Bike Sprint Calories @90% Hard Pace; 60 Seconds Rest +
3 Minutes AMRAP of:
10 Each Reverse Lunges
10 Each Mountain Climbers
100M Row @50-80% Sustainable Pace
B1: Power Clean – 4,3,2,4,3,2
5 Minutes to build up + choose a weight for a set of 4. Go a little heavier for a set of 3, then a little heavier for a set of 2. Go back to a set of 4 a little heavier than the first set of 4. Repeat for a set of 3 then 2; Rest 30-120 Seconds Between Sets.
The goal is to go heavier on each set of the second wave, than each set of the first wave.
-15 Minute Cap
B2: Two Cents
18/15/12 RFT of:
Ring Dip
Hang Power Clean + Power Jerk (95/65)