Warm Up:
5 Minute AMRAP of:
200M Run/
12 Box Jump Over (20/24″)/
10 Each Alternating Walking Lunges
B: Overhead Squat
3 @65-75% EMOM X 10 Minutes Building up heavy with no misses @23X1; Rest remainder of each minute and 90 Seconds before C
C: Back Squat (5@65 + 5@75 + 5/5@85/95% (TM))
Base % off of Training Max= 1Rm X .85% of 1Rm From 06/06/22/
Take TM and multiply by corresponding %. @20X1; Rest 60-90 Seconds Between Sets
Take TM and multiply by corresponding %. @20X1; Rest 60-90 Seconds Between Sets
3 Rounds of:
60M Farmer Carry (24/32KgX2);
:60 Seconds Rest/
12 K.B. DeadLift/
15 GHD Sit Up;
:30 Seconds Rest
60M Farmer Carry (24/32KgX2);
:60 Seconds Rest/
12 K.B. DeadLift/
15 GHD Sit Up;
:30 Seconds Rest