Warm Up:
A2: Air Bike: 90 Seconds Building from
@50-90% Sustainable Pace; Rest 30 Seconds before A3
5 Rounds of:
10 USSR K.B. Swing (HBD)
15 Seconds Air Bike Sprint
10 USSR K.B. Swing (HBD)
15 Seconds Air Bike Sprint
@90-95% Hard Pace (Not Sustainable);
Rest 2 Minutes Between Rounds
Rest 2 Minutes Between Rounds
If you think 2 minutes is a lot of rest, challenge yourself to earn your rest. Go so hard that 2 Minutes is not enough time to recover.
HBD= Heavy But Doable, all levels choose a weight that is challenging but manageable for you.
5 RFT of:
4 Each SA DB Devils Press (35/50#)/
8 DB Box Step Overs (18/20″)/
12/15 Calorie Ski (2/4)