Warm Up:
60 Seconds Max Cal Air Bike
@85% Somewhat Hard Pace (Not Sustainable); Rest 30-45 Seconds before A2
2 RFQ of:
20 Paces Each:
Banded MonsterWalk Forward
MonsterWalk Backward
MonsterWalk Left
MonsterWalk Rigth
20 Paces Each:
Banded MonsterWalk Forward
MonsterWalk Backward
MonsterWalk Left
MonsterWalk Rigth
@ Easy pace; Rest as needed
Band around the ankles.
– 5 Minute Cap
2 RFQ of:
8 Each Alternating Deficit D.B. Goblet Reverse Lunge/
5 Each D.B. Power Snatch + Wind Mill/
10 Each Single Arm D.B. Bent Over Row
8 Each Alternating Deficit D.B. Goblet Reverse Lunge/
5 Each D.B. Power Snatch + Wind Mill/
10 Each Single Arm D.B. Bent Over Row
@Easy pace with smooth controlled tempos; rest 90 Seconds rest before B
For Reverse Lunge, perform lunges while standing on a 45/25# plate.
For Power Snatch + Windmill pick a challenging but manageable weight.
-4 Minute Cap
B: Overhead Squat (3 @60-80% Every 90 Seconds X 8 Rounds)
5 Minutes To WU To 60% of Heaviest OHS from 06/06/22
3 Every 90 Seconds X 7 Sets Building from 60-80% @20X1
3 Every 90 Seconds X 7 Sets Building from 60-80% @20X1
C: Back Squat (5@65 + 5/5@75 + 5/5/5@85% of TM + 10#’s)
Base % off of Training Max= 1Rm X .85% of 1Rm From 06/06/22/
Take TM and multiply by corresponding % + Add 10#’s @20X1; Rest 60-90 Seconds
Take TM and multiply by corresponding % + Add 10#’s @20X1; Rest 60-90 Seconds