Warm Up:
A2: The Dot Drill
Imagine doing the drill on hot lava, try to avoid getting singed by moving accurately and constantly.
5 Reps each, all 5 patterns.
3 Rounds of: 400M Run=
Sprint First 10 Seconds @95-100% Very Hard Pace/Complete remainder of 400M Run @80% Sustainable Pace; 90 Seconds Walk/Stretch/Rest between intervals
Sprint First 10 Seconds @95-100% Very Hard Pace/Complete remainder of 400M Run @80% Sustainable Pace; 90 Seconds Walk/Stretch/Rest between intervals
10 Minutes of Skill Work:
Handstand Hold/
Wall Facing Split Handstand Hold/ Forward Roll/
Freestanding Handstand Hold-> Forward Roll/
False Grip Active Hang/
Dip Support Hold/
Ice Cream Makers
Use this time constructively, choose your biggest weakness and work on it. Remember to go nice and easy focusing on developing proficiency.
30/20/10 Each For Time:
WallBall (14#-9’/20#-10′)
Pull Up
Calorie Row (5/8)
WallBall (14#-9’/20#-10′)
Pull Up
Calorie Row (5/8)