WOD 06/26/18
A2: 6 Minute AMRAP of:
100M Ski (5/3)
10 Strict Press (45/35/15#)
100M Row (5/3)
10/8 HRPU
10 Ring Row
100M Ski (5/3)
10 Strict Press (45/35/15#)
100M Row (5/3)
10/8 HRPU
10 Ring Row
B: Push Press (12 Minutes To A 5Rm + 5@90/80%)
Take 12 Minutes To build to an 5Rm without missing + 5@90/80%; Rest as needed.
C: Weighted Dip (5 @65/70/75/80%)
D: Handstand Push-ups (1 X 80% + 2 X 70%)
E: Half Racked Waiters Lunge (4 Sets of 10 Reps Each Leg)