WOD 06/15/17
A: 3 RFQ of:
20 Banded Pull Apart
15 BallSlam (20/15#)
10 Hollow Rock
150M Row (5/3)
B1: Power Snatch (12 Mintutes To A Challenging Set of 4)
Build up quickly without missing, touch and go reps; rest as needed.
B2: 3 RFT of:
12 Power Snatch (95/65)
12 Each Alternating Front Racked Lunges
12 T2B
C: Skill Work:Pistol/Front Lever/Back Lever
D: 4 Minute AMRAP of:
6 Each K.B. Snatch (20/12Kg)
8 Goblet Squat
10/8 Calorie Bike