WOD 06/28/17
**CrossFit 718 will be CLOSED this weekend. 7/1 & 7/2**
Please take a close look at the schedule for NEXT week, the schedule has changed for the holidays. Be sure to register for class.
CrossFit 718 – A – CrossFit WOD
A1: Warm-up (No Measure)
3 Minutes of:
Shoulder Mobility=
3 Minutes of:
Dip Mobility=
A2: Metcon (2 Rounds for reps)
2 RFQ of:
12 Each Banded Plank Row/
25 Banded Push Down/
25 Banded Face Pull
Banded Plank Row=
Banded Push Down=
Banded Face Pull=
B: Weighted Dip (12 Minutes To A Challenging Set of 5 Reps)
Max or sets accross
12 Mintues to build up to a heavy set of 5 reps @20X1; Rest as needed between sets.
C: Shoulder Press (5@65 + 5/5@75 + 5/5/5@85% (TM + 5-10#))
% Based off of Training Max (Please add 5-10#’s to Shoulder Press training max.) @20X1; Rest 90-180 Seconds Between Sets.
To calculate Training Max (%)= 1Rm X .85% of most recent 1Rm From 7/27/17 + 5#’s/ Take TM and multiply by corresponding %.
D: Rope Climb (1 Legless EMOM X 8)
Scale as needed.