WOD 07/07/16
8 Minutes of Hip/Shoulder Mobility (Click links for details)
A1- WU- 3 RNFT of:
10 Banded Clam Shells
10 Banded DeadBug (band around the mid-foot)
10 Each Alternating Reverse Lunge With Twist (20/15# SlamBall) -6 Minute Cap
A2- 8 Rounds of: 30 Seconds Row @80-85% of 30 Second Pace From 06/29/16 (Damper: 0-150#=2/150-200#=3/200#+=4); 45 Seconds Rest Between Rounds
B- Front Squat- 10/10/10 Heavier than 06/08/16 (Tempo:21X1); Rest as needed between sets. -15 Minute Cap
C- 15 Minute AMRAP of:
15 Double K.B. HPC (16/12KgX2)
21 T2B
600M Run@80-90% Sustainable Pace
Notes: Do not drop the K.B./Do not redline/Should be a moderately hard pace, 80-90% of a 15 Minute 100% Max Pace.
90 Seconds Row @50-75% RPE + NFT- 10 each
Ring Row/10 Each Walking Lunges/10 Air Squats/10 Box Jump Step Down (24/20″)/1 D.B. Curtis P/1 D.B. Man Maker
B – 15 Minute AMRAP of:
5 D.B. Curtis P (HBD)
4 Jumping Bar Muscle Up
3 Burpee Box JumpOver (24/20″)
2 Rope Climbs (4 modified)
15/12 Calorie Bike
5-10 Minutes Rest
C – 15 Minute AMRAP of:
5 D.B. Man Makers
4 Chin Up (kneeling)
3 Burpee Over D.B.
15/12 Calorie Bike
1 Rope Climb (2 modified)
D – L-Sit 2
In as few attempts as possible accumulate 2 Minutes In an L-Sit
15 Tuck Up Penalty Immediately Every Time You Break!
Score= Total Sets To Complete
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