WOD 07/13/16
8 Minutes of Hip/Hip Mobility (Click links for details)
A1- WU- 400M Run @70-80% RPE +
A2- NFT- 10 Each Alternating Side Lunges
10 Each Ice Skaters
10 Jumping Lunges
1 Minute Max Reps Tuck Up
1 Minute Max Reps WallWalk (InchWorm)
B1- Press- 8/8/8/8 @Tempo:21X1 Building From 50-65%; 1 Minute Rest
B2- D.B. Step Up- 6/6/6/6 @Tempo:2111 @Aproximately 30-35% BW In Each Hand; 1 Minute Rest
Notes: For Step Up box should be set at Tibial Tuberosity (bottom of knee cap)/ 4 Top end work sets, as heavy as possible at tempo.
C1- 3 Minute AMRAP of: 3 Thruster (75/45)/5 Lateral Bar Burpee/9 Pull Up; 9 Minutes Rest or Athletes Choice Active Recovery
C2- 3 Mintute AMRAP of: 3 Burpee Box Jump Over (24/20″)/5 Push Press (75/45)/9 Pull Up @85% Somewhat Hard Pace
718 Strength
7 KB USSR Swing
share bars to facilitate in set up and break down time and cheer on your classmates
Tempo 21X1; make contact at the sternum each rep full lock out at the bottom
A1)10 Each Alternating Side Lunges/Ice Skaters/Jumping Lunges
1 Minute Max Reps Tuck Up/1 Minute Max Reps WallWalk
A2) 400M Run
B1) Press 4×10 (21X1) – 95/100/105/95
B2) Back Rack Lunge 4x5ea (21X1) – 145×4
C) 3Min AMRAP of : 3 Thruster (75)/3 Burpee Bar Muscle Up – 3rds+4
D1) Sled Push 5x50M (150lbs)
D2) Waiters Walk 5x50M (20kgx2)
E) 3Min AMRAP of : 3 Burpee Box Over (45″)/1 Wall Walk/3 DB Squat Clean Thruster – 3rds