WOD 07/23/16
8 Minutes of Hip/Foot/Ankle Mobility (Click links for details)
A1- WU- 3 Minutes of:
Row or 600M Jog
+ 1 Minute Max Reps Banded Good Morning
A2- 3 RNFT of: 5 Tuck Jump
1 WallWalk
20 Each Walking Lunges
B- 4 Rounds of:
100M S.B. (weighted) Sprint @95% Very Hard Pace (Not Sustainable); 150 Seconds (2:30) Rest
Notes: Use first 2 rounds to build intensity. Try to ensure that the last 2 rounds are right up around a 95% Pace (just short of max effort).
C- For Time- Partner 1K Row -5 min cap
Notes: The monitor must be set at 1000m before the start. The female partner must begin, and partners must switch every 250m. Damper will be set to #5 for the duration of the event/Score= Total time it takes to complete the Row/ Time will include Minutes, seconds and milliseconds - No tie breakers/Standards: The feet must be strapped into the flex foot; Athletes must place the handle into the handle holder during the transition. Any team who release the handle improperly will get an immediate 10 burpee penalty per athlete, on the spot.
D- Event 2- The Throw Down (Practice!!) Powered By Park Slope Day Camp=
16 Minute Partner WOD of: 9 Synchronized Burpees
15 Synchronized OH Lunges (45/25#)
21 Synchronized Ab Mat Sit Ups
Notes: In Teams of 2/Both partners working at the same time/Work on timing/Practice with your ThrowDown partner if possible/Keep pacing @ 80-90% challenging but sustainable aerobic pace/Synchronized Synchronized OH Stationary Lunges The repetition starts with both athletes standing with a plate over head; arms must be straight throughout the movement. Teams must step forward with the same leg; the back knee must touch the ground at the same time and the team must come back to standing at the same time before switching to the next leg. Repetitions must be alternating legs; one left one right. If there is a missed rep or a NO rep athletes must re-do that repetition on that side before the next rep is to begin and count towards the total./ Synchronized Burpees- The repetition starts with both athletes in the standing position, side by side facing the same direction. Both athletes will drop the to the ground ensuring that their chests touches the ground at the same time. They both push up into a plank position at the same time and both come up off the floor and jump and clap their hands over head at the same time for the rep to count. Repetitions that are staggered will not count/ Synchronized AbMat Sit Ups The Repetition starts from a sitting up position with both hands in front of the feet touching the ground and ends with both hands over head touching the ground. In order for the rep to count the reps must be completed at the same time. Repetitions that are staggered will not count./***-->If you are Competing in The RX'd Division: Sub Box OH Walking Lunges with Synchronized Box Jumps (24/20")!
Open bar:
Descending ladder
Power cleans 75%BW (135)
Bench press BW (175)
Back squat 1.25% BW (225)
Run 400 meters at the end of every other set (9,7,5,3,1)
Time: 44:02
Chris, that is a killer workout!! Coach Iz should program that as a Saturday WOD!!!!!! Just sayin’.