WOD 07/27/17
A: For Time:
12 Hang Power Snatch (85/55#)
12 T2B
30 Double Unders
9 Hang Power Snatch
9 T2B
30 Double Unders
6 Hang Power Snatch
6 T2B
30 Double Unders
B: For Time:
12 Thruster (95/65#)
12 Burpee Over Erg
150M Row (5/3
9 Thruster
9 Burpee Over Erg
150M Row
6 Thruster
6 Burpee Over Erg
150M Row
C: Skill Work: Handstand Walk/Triple Under/Pistol/Front Lever/Back Lever
Use this time constructively, choose your biggest weakness and work on it. Remember to go nice and easy focusing on developing proficiency.
D: For Time:
Air Bike 50/40 Calories
– 5 Minute Cap; @85% Somewhat Hard Pace