WOD 08/04/16
8 Minutes of Hip/Rack Mobility (Click links for details)
A- WU- 5 Minute AMRAP @50-70% RPE of:
100M Row
5 (BTK) D.B. Squat Clean (HBD)
5 Each D.B. Walking Lunges
B- Front Squat- 5X5 @80-87% 0f 1RM From 7/28/16 (No Misses)
@21X1; 60-120 Seconds Rest Between Sets -20 Minutes Cap
C- D.B. Bulgarian (rear foot elevated) Split Squat–
5/5/5/5 Reps Each Side @ Approximately 33-38% BW in each Hand
@3010; 30-45 Seconds Rest Between Reps
D- Tabata- Lateral Ball Slams (Use green slam balls)
E- For Time:
60 T2B
3 Burpee (Immediately Every Time You Break.)
8 Minutes of Shoulder/Hip Mobility
A- WU- 3 RNFT of: 20 Banded Good Morning
15 Calorie Row (5/3)
12 Each Walking Lunge
9 Hanging Knee Raises
B- For Time: 50 Double Unders or 3 Minutes of Practice or 150 Singles
50 Box Jump Step Down (20/18″) or Step Up (20/18″)
50 DeadLift (95/65) or K.B. Goblet Squat (HBD)
50 Calorie Row (Damper 5/3)
50 Lateral Bar Burpee
50 Ab-Mat Sit Up
50 Double Unders or 3 Minutes of Practice or 150 Singles @80-90% Hard But Sustainable Pace
C- 3 Rounds of: 30 Calorie Air Bike; 1:1 Work To Rest Ratio
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