WOD 08/04/17
A: 3 Rounds of:
12 Banded Pull Apart/
12 Banded Face Pull/
5Each Alternating Lunges/
5 Each Alternating Jump Lunges/
5 Air Squat/
5 Jumping Squat
@ Easy Pace
B: Muscle-ups (Max Unbroken)
5 Minutes Warm Up as needed + 2 Attempt to Complete as many unbroken Ring Muscle Ups; Rest as needed between attempts. Use the best attempt as your UB RMU bench mark. If as of yet unable to Ring Muscle Up, substitute with Max UB BMU or Max UB C2B/Dip or Max UB Pull Up/Dip or simply take a few minutes to work on RMU’s.
-10 Minute Cap
C: Snatch Pull + Snatch + Hang Snatch (BTK) + OHS (1 @80% Every 90 Seconds X 8 Rounds)
6 Minutes WU To 80% of 07/30/17 + 1 @80% Every 90 Seconds X 8 Rounds
D: 3 Rounds of-
20 Seconds Max Power Snatch @75/45#/
30 Seconds Max Burpees
**Use 15# Training Bar Only. No Exceptions**
@90% Hard Pace (Not Sustainable); Rest 6 Minutes Between Rounds