WOD 08/23/17
A1: Row 90 Seconds
@ Pace/Intensity/Distance
@50-90% Sustainable Pace; Rest 90 Seconds
A2: 60 Seconds Max Calorie Row/
B: 1 Power Clean + 1 Lunge Left + 1 Lunge Right + 1 Jerk (12 Minutes To Max The Complex)
Build up heavy with no misses or press outs; Rest as needed.
C:60 Seconds Max Curtis P’s (75/45#)/
60 Seconds Max Bar Facing Burpee
D: Back Squat (3/3/3@90%)
8 Minutes WU To 90% of heavy single from 07/24/17 @20X1 + 3X3@90%; Rest 120 Seconds Between Sets.