WOD 08/24/17
A2: 10 Minutes of Skill Work: Handstand Walk/Deficit Handstand Push Up/Strict Muscle Up/Pistol/Triple Unders
@50% Easy Pace
Use this time constructively, choose your biggest weakness and work on it. Remember to go nice and easy focusing on developing proficiency.
B1: Weighted Pull-ups (3X3 @85-90%)
5 Minutes WU To 85% of Heavy Set of 5 from 06/30/17 + 3X3 @85-90% @20X1; Rest 60 Seconds before B2.
Superset with B2.
B2: Bench Press (3X3 @85-90%)
5 Minutes WU To 85% of Heavy Single from 07/28/17 + 3X3@80-85% @21X1; Rest 60 Seconds before B1.
Superset with B1.