WOD 09/06/16
8 Minutes of Hip/Back Mobility (Click links for details)
A1- WU- 3 Minute Row Meters (Danper 5/3) @80-90% Sustainable Pace
A2- 2 RNFT of: 10 USSR K.B. Swing (HAP)
10 Each Single Leg Glute Bridge
8 Each Leg K.B. Single Leg RDL (2/1.5/1/.75 Pood)
B- 2 Power Clean (BTK) + 2 Hang Clean (Mid-Thigh)- Take 6 Minutes To WU to 75% of 08/23/16 + 2 each @75% Every 90 Seconds For 6 Rounds (Approximately 9 minutes)
Notes: Drop each power clean and reset/Hang clean should be touch and go.
C- Sumo Deadlift- 5X5 @75% of 08/23/16 @31X1; 120 Seconds Between Sets
D- Tabata- Ab Mat Sit Ups/Rest in elbow plank position.
718 Conditioning
8 Minutes of Hip/Shoulder Mobility
A- WU- 3 Minutes of Bike Calories @80% RPE
B- 5 Minutes To WU + 15 RFQ of: 10 D.B. Push Press (HBD)
5 Each Alternating D.B. Step Up (box set to tibial tuberosity/bottom of the knee)
10 D.B. DeadLift @80-90% Sustainable Pace; Rest 1:1 (rest exactly the same amount of time it takes you to complete the round)
C- In 15 Minutes Complete as much as possible of: 1K Row (Damper 4/2)
50 Cal Bike
800M Run
200 Double Unders (5 Minutes Practice)
100 Ab Mat Sit Ups @80-90% Sustainable Pace
*D- L-Sit- Accumulate as much time under tension as possible in as few attempts as possible.
* Complete as much as possible in time remaining.
Attention Team!
The short story to this long study is that consecutive days of high intensity (Crossfit specifically) activity can significantly tax your immune system, and with little loss of overall power. What that means is you may feel like you can still workout after multiple consecutive days, but you are putting significant stress on your immune system behind the scenes. That can have some bigger and longer term implications!
So learn to love those rest days! Remember we’re in this for the long term.
Well said Smaink
I enjoy 2-3 rest days a week and I love my gains and progress