WOD 09/12/16
8 Minutes of Shoulder/Hip Mobility (click links for details)
A1- WU- 200M M.B. Run (20/14#) @50-80% RPE + 15 WallBall (20/14#-Max Height)
A2- 2 RNFT of: 10 Banded DeadBug (shoes off)
10 Each Banded Clam Shell
10 Banded Glute Bridge
B1- Squat- 4/4/4/4 @80-85% of 08/22/16 @3110; 90 Seconds Rest
B2- Strict HSPU- 4 Sets Across @50% of Best Round From 09/05/16; 90 Seconds Rest
Notes: Perform as a superset, squat rest 90 seconds, hspu rest 90 seconds, for 4 total rounds. If as of yet unable to do hspu sub with 90* Pike or Pike Push Up.
C1-Weighted Dip- 4/4/4/4 @80% of 08/22/16 @20X0; 60 Seconds Rest
C2- Single Leg RDL– 5/5/5/5 Each HBD @2111; 1 Minute Rest
Notes: Same as B1+B2, for a total of 3 rounds. If as of yet unable to do weighted dip, sub with advanced dip (advanced for you).
D- 5 Minutes To WU + 2 RFQ of: 3 Shoulder To OH (185/135 or 135/95 or 95/65#)/9 Front Squat/15 Each Alternating Pistol (Assisted or Walking Lunges)/21 Calorie Row (Damper 8/5) @80-90% Sustainable Pace -10 Minute Cap
Holy smokes that’s heavy!!