WOD 09/17/16
8 Minutes of Hip/Forearm/Calves Mobility (Click links for details)
A- WU- 800M Native American Run 20# @50-80% RPE
B- 3 RFQ-
6 Each Alternating D.B. Snatches (HAP)
6 Each Alternating Pistols (band assisted)
100′ Bear Crawl Relay (50′ down and back)
15 GHD Hip Extension (20 Superman) @80-90% Hard But Sustainable Pace; 5 Minutes Rest
Notes: If you have a vest wear it. For quality, no redlining. Do not drop D.B.'s, 5 Burpee penalty immediately after every drop. Don't get bogged down at the GHD, sub with 20 Superman.
C- 15 Minute AMRAP of:
1 Rope Climb partial ROM or Rope Climb foot work + Pull Up (20/15′)
100 Double Unders (3 Minutes Practice Double Unders)
12 GHD Sit Ups (15 Tuck Up)
@80-90% Hard But Sustainable Pace
Notes: Don't get bogged down at the GHD, sub with 15 Tuck Up.
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