WOD 10/12/16
8 Minutes of Hip/Shoulder Mobility (Click links for details)
A1- WU- 3 Minutes Bike or Row (Damper 8/5) Calories @ 80-90% Sustainable Pace
A2- 3 RNFT:
10 K.B. Goblet Squat (2/1.5 Pood)
5 Each Alternating K.B. Goblet Lunge
30 Seconds Banded Push Down
B1- Squat- 8@50% @41X1 + 6/6/6 @65% of Heavy Single From 09/19/16 @41X1; 60-90 Seconds Rest
B2- Weighted Dip- 5/5/5/5 @60-65% of Heavy Single From 08/22/16 @2020; 60 Seconds Rest
C- 15/12/9 RFQ of:
Front Squat (165/115# or HBD)
Strict Ring Dip or Box Dip or Band Assisted (No Kipping)
@80-90% Hard But Sustainable Pace -10 Minute Cap
D- Sorensen Hold– Accumulate 2 Minutes in as few sets as possible.
10 air squat
5 each leg lateral step up
10 USSR kbs
5 each leg kossack
Believe it or not there is a Wango hidden somewhere in this picture, can you find him?
That his PR face
oh yeah. strict press all day….not!
All I see is that suicide grip!
The first thing i noticed was the fire extinguisher, then I found him!