WOD 11/02/18
A2: Ski 60 Seconds @50-90% Sustainable Pace; Rest 75 Seconds
A3: Row 60 Seconds @50-90% Sustainable Pace; Rest 75 Seconds
A4: 4 Rounds of: 20
Seconds Row Sprint @90% Hard Pace (Not Sustainable);
Ski 150M @80-90% Sustainable Pace;
Rest 30 Seconds after each round
Ski 150M @80-90% Sustainable Pace;
Rest 30 Seconds after each round
B2: Power Snatch (5/4/3/5/4/3 @70%)
C: Power Clean (5/4/3/5/4/3 @70%)
D: Back Squat (5/4/3/5/4/3)
E: Farmer’s Carry (4 X 50′ AHAP/AFAP)
4 Roudns of 50′ Building as heavy as possible and as fast as possible; rest as needed