WOD 11/10/2022
6 Minute AMRAP of:
:30 Seconds Row Calories (5/8)/
5 Snatch Deadlifts (15/35/45#)/
5 Hang Muscle Snatches/
10 Jumping Squats
Shoulder Press
8 Minutes To A 6 RM
3 Rounds with a Partner of:
4/5 Calorie Row (5/8)/
2 Snatch
In Teams of 2:
24/30 Calorie Row (5/8)/
25 Snatch (65/95#)/
24/30 Calorie Row/
20 Snatch (95/135#)/
24/30 Calorie Row/
15 Snatch (105/155)/
24/30 Calorie Row/
10 Snatch (125/185)
24/30 Calorie Row