WOD 1/10/15
8 Minutes of Shoulder/Hip/Back/Wrist/Ankle Mobility
A- WU- NFT- 200M Run @ 50-70% RPE + 3 Rounds of: 200 Yard Shuttle Run; 1:1 Work to rest ratio – 15 Minute Cap
B- Press- 15 Minutes To A Heavy Triple
C- 4 RFT of: 5 Strict Chin Up or 5 Ring Row
10 HSPU or 10 HRPU
15 Squat (95/65) or 15 Squat (75/45)
Notes: For all Squats: The bar will start on the ground.
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
Great day today. I got to wod with my fiancé, Marcos and Tina. I think we should do his weekly.
215 UB DU pr
Comp Train
20-16-12-8 of:
Power Snatch, 95/65
Thruster, 95/65
Recovery dinner at Cuba was great.
funny- you read my mind…I was saying this to Marcos last night!
same workout as above (except 65#)- 18:13 Rx