WOD 1/1/15
8 Minutes of Shoulder/Wrist/Hip/Back/Elbow/OH Mobility
A- WU- 10 Minutes to WU-Muscle Up/ G2OH (135/95)/Box Jump/Shoulder 2OH (30/24″)/DeadLift (135/95)/Burpee/Pistol/WallBall/K2E/Ring Dip/Front Squat (135/95)
B- 12 Days of Cross-Mess= For Time:
1 Muscle Up or Pull Up
2 G2OH (135/95) or (95/65)
3 Box Jumps (30/24″) or (20/18″)
4 Shoulder 2 OH (135/95) or (95/65)
5 Burpees or HRPU
6 Pistols or Air Squat
7 WallBall (20-10’/14-9′) or (16-10’/12-9′)
8 Knees To Elbows or Hanging Knee Raise
9 USA K.B. Swing (2/1.5 Pood) or USSR K.B. Swing (24/16Kg)
10 Ring Dip or Banded Ring Dip
11 DeadLift (135/95) or (95/65)
12 Front Squats (135/95) or (95/65) -45 Minute Cap
Notes: Black= RX’d and Red= Scaled/ Complete 1, then complete 1&2, then complete 1,2&3/ continue in this fashion until you have completed 12 Front Squats/ Score= Total time to finish all reps. For Level 1 if 95/65 is too heavy scale to 75/45. Band assisted pull-up’s.
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
Man, I never slept so late, just getting up now 🙂
I hope that everyone had a fun evening! I’m looking forward to 2015.
Happy New Years Guys! Xoxo
Attendance is bananas tonight,
We are gonna some fun!
A little Team black, team red action.
Speaking of which – hope all of you guys are ready for the whole life challenge coming up this Monday and the world wide wod on 1/11/15
so happy- I finally did a WOD where I got all the MU with NO FAILED attempts! So pumped. 2015 is looking way better…
Tina, I told you you’d kill ’em! Awesome birthday WOD and finally got to get after it with the little one. Marisa was movin! I need to take more classes with her. Big thanks going out to Coach Marcos for working on New Year’s Day so we could all put in work and start 2015 off the right way.