WOD 12/07/18
A2: 3 RFQ of:
150M Row (5/3)
15 Banded Pull Apart @2121
10 RNT OHS @2121
5 Power Snatch (45/35#)
5 Kang Squat @3131
150M Row (5/3)
15 Banded Pull Apart @2121
10 RNT OHS @2121
5 Power Snatch (45/35#)
5 Kang Squat @3131
B: Muscle Snatch (8-12 Minutes To A Heavy 5 + 5@90%)
Build up heavy without missing + 5 @90%; Rest 30-90 Seconds between sets
C: Snatch High Pull (3 EMOM X 8)
Building from 80% of B, do not exceed 110% of B
D: Back Squat (Build To A Heavy 5 + 5/5@90%)
12 Minutes To A Heavy set of 5 Reps @32X1 + 5/5@90%; Rest 90-120 Seconds between attempts
E: Clean DeadLift (Build To A Heavy 5 + 5/5@90%)