WOD 12/10/19
A2: Air Bike- 90 Seconds @50-90% Sustainable Pace; Rest 90 Seconds
A3: 60 Seconds Bike Sprint @85% Somewhat Hard Pace; Rest 3.5-8 Minutes
B: Against A 60 Second Clock:
Max Reps Burpees
C: 4 Rounds of:
250M Ski (5/3)
50% Burpees
10 Shoulder Press (75/45#)
250M Ski (5/3)
50% Burpees
10 Shoulder Press (75/45#)
**Use a 15# Training Bar!
For Burpees, complete 50% of max from B
For Burpees, complete 50% of max from B
D: 60 Seconds Bike Sprint @85% Somewhat Hard Pace; Rest