WOD 12/23/2021
A2: For Quality Against A 6 Minute Clock:
10 Single Unders
5 WallFacing Prisoner Squat
10 Single Unders Running in place
5 Scap Pull Up
10 Single Unders Side To Side Jumping
5 Kipping Swing
10 Single Unders Front- To Back Jumping
5 Kipping Pull Ups/
10 Each Leg Single Leg Single Unders
10 Single Unders
5 WallFacing Prisoner Squat
10 Single Unders Running in place
5 Scap Pull Up
10 Single Unders Side To Side Jumping
5 Kipping Swing
10 Single Unders Front- To Back Jumping
5 Kipping Pull Ups/
10 Each Leg Single Leg Single Unders
B: Strict Pull-ups (2 Sets Max UB)
C1: Row :60 Seconds @80-90% Sustainable Pace with damper 5/3; Rest 2 Minutes
Goal is 250/200M @ Sustainable Pace
C3: Metcon – For Time:
1000/800m Row (5/3)
50 Thrusters (45/35#)
30 Pull Ups
750/600m Row
25 Thrusters
15 Pull Ups
500/400m Row
15 Thrusters
9 Pull Ups
1000/800m Row (5/3)
50 Thrusters (45/35#)
30 Pull Ups
750/600m Row
25 Thrusters
15 Pull Ups
500/400m Row
15 Thrusters
9 Pull Ups