WOD 1/21/15
8 Minutes of Ankle/Hip/Back/Shoulder/Wrist/OH Mobility
A- WU- 30 Calorie Row + 3RNFT of: 10 Prone PVC Pass Through/2 WallWalk/10 Each Walking Lunge -9 Minute Cap
B- Power Snatch + Hang Snatch- 15 Minutes To A Heavy Single For The Complex + 1@95/90% of above -20 Minute Cap
C- 5 Minutes To WU HPC + 8 Minute AMRAP of: 10 HPC (75/45)/15 Box Jump(24/20″)/15 HPC (95/75)/15 Box Jump/20 HPC (135/95)/15 Box Jump or 8 Minute AMRAP of: 10 HPC (45/15)/15 Box Jump (20/18″)/15 HPC (75/45)/15 Box Jump/20 HPC (95/65)/15 Box Jump
Notes: Athletes will add corresponding weight to the bar upon completion of HPC/If you complete 20 HPC and 15 Box Jumps, drop the weight and start over.
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
Tomorrow’s challenge- calling it “Uppin’ the Weight (just a smidgen)”
Women Rx 65/85/105
Men Rx 95/115/145
Only do this, if you can still move fast because this looks to be like a workout that you should be moving swiftly through. These cleans are meant to be “touch n go” meaning grit your teeth and just bare the pain. I need to do this for myself bc I need to practice heavier multi volume cleans.
Tina, that RX+ looks rough. Should be interesting to see who will push it to the limit.
Some theme music for tomorrow (lol):
I predict someone will do two complete rounds.
I got to watch the morning crew tackle this. MSOF had some super fast cleans. Tammy was on the money with those cleans going super fast and making it look nice. Good times with the am crew.
Odd: 5 Power Cleans – you choose the weight
Even: Max UB strict muscle ups
155/5 each round muscle up (ASAP- as strict as possible)
20 strict hspu
2 legless rope climb
10 burpee wallball
20 hang squat clean
40′ lunge with 135lbs on back
Conditioning 2
20 cal row
100 double unders
Thanks D, I’m tryin
Warm Up was nice – subbed the row for 30 push ups.
Power Snatch+ High hang Snatch – got up to 99lbs on the set
You can watch my funny video of me doing the AMRAP on Instagram.
Good times!
A) 3rds NFT : 30DU / 5 OHS & 5 BTN Thruster @ 75lbs / 5 Sots Press @ 45lbs
B) Power Snatch + Hang Snatch 1rep @ 125 (tidy) & 135 (messy) + 1ea @ 125 / 115
C) OH Squat 1rep @ 165 + 8×3 EMOM @ 135 (ouch)
D) 8min AMRAP of : 10 HPC @ 135 / 15 Box Jump (30in) / 15 HPC / 15 BXJ / 20 HPC / 15 BXJ – 1rd+10+7