WOD 12/29/14
8 Minutes of Shoulder/Hip/Ankle/Wrist Mobility
A- NFT- 10 Calorie Row + 10 Each- Squat Clean Thruster + BTN Thruster (75/45) -3 Minute Cap
B- Power Clean + Power Jerk- 3 Minutes To WU to 65% + 1@60/65/70/75/80/83/83/83/83/83% of 12/15/14; exactly 90 Seconds Rest Between efforts -18 Minute Cap
C- 5 Minutes To WU Muscle Up/HSPU/K.B. Swing + Nate= 20 Minute AMRAP of: 2 Ring Muscle Up/4 HSPU/8 USA Kettlebell swings (2/1.5 pood)
Post your scores to the Whiteboard.
Good day for MU practice…
Totally agree… and it was a really fun workout …
I disagree. Not fun at all. Especially after all the cookies I have been eating.
Couldn’t agree more. Today sucked due to color and chocolate intake. I gotta get off the sweets.
Nice work Michaela..I hope to get outta work to make this one. I’m just shooting for 5 rounds bc I know the MU are gonna take me forever 🙁
Thanks Tina! I saw you doing them yesterday. .. you got this =)
Morning WOD today. C&J’s felt real solid. 2 reps shy of my Nate PR and finishing my 12th round. That kills me. Would rather be 10 reps shy. If I just cut out 1 extra breath, walked a little faster to the HSPUs, whatever – would have closed out the round and possibly knocked out a MU to PR. At least I was close.
And always good dicing up a WOD with the K-Bar.
Cory – still impressive PR or not.
3rd day back at the box. Light C&J’s maxed out at 155. i got a modified 8 rounds in NATE.
188 double unders ub pr. so close to 200.
2k row 7:06 (5 second pr)
Damn still hitting pr’s nice job. 1:46 splits for 2k holy crap
First complete day of my staycation – slept until 10:45am 😉
Cleaned up my fridge and kitchen cabinets, had some company so made a nice dinner for them. Hopefully I will make it in to Wod fingers crossed.
Tomorrow – Appa is getting a bath and cleaning out my walk-in closet. Gonna test drive a new car… Let’s see how it goes.